05. who offer dna wellness screening services?
Our Partners
We know that when it comes to do DNA screening, making the first step and personalizing own lifestyle based on reports without guidance is a tough task. Each of us is different and sometimes even the same individual may have different concerns at different times.
That is why we are working with our partners from various background to address your possible health and wellness needs. Our ultimate goal is to enable every user enjoy the best from their DNA screening and reports.
Service Providers
Personalized plan

Advanx Health
John Yeo
+6012 426 3391
©2020 All rights reserved by ScienceVision Sdn Bhd. This website is for educational purposes only. No service is provided. DNA wellness screening is a non-diagnostic test and should not be considered as one. You are strongly recommended to discuss with health professional on the obtained results before change your health.